Sunday, January 4, 2009

the best of both worlds

so im kinda sort of into astrology...but now i have moved to numerology.

there are so many ppl that are non-believers in this kinda of stuff....i can see why.
but i take the nature vs. nurture approach to life.
i feel that ppl are born with certain ways, and certainways they develop...and both combine to make someone who they are.

but anywho...the other day on the radio i heard a guy talking about numerology...and it intrigued me bc the day before i had brunch with some friends and we read over our numerology for the year to come....then no shortly after that i hear this guy is on the radio.

he actually considers himself an AstroNumerologist...where he combines both studies to read people...

so hints the best of both worlds.
if i could be still long enough i would actually consider taking time out to become one of these...but my spirit is way to restless for that.

but if you wanna know more about the guy you can find him at
its quite interesting to see what number is recurring in your life.

1 comment:

nista206 said...

very interesting... i wish my soul were a little more restless; lately, i think it's just been wanting to rest!