Sunday, November 30, 2008

what i know to be true

what i know to be true...
is that the most important relationship you can have 
is with yourself..
and i would like to think that i have a very good one with myself
i know that in the end, no matter what  i have, or who i have in my life or not in my life i have to be with myself
so its important to take of myself

if for instance you cant be by yourself in totally silence, still silence, just sit in silence and just be...then i would have to say that your relationship is totally off balance.

the fact that i love myself allows me to take care of those around me, and give to them what i choose to give to them.
its never more than i can handle, or any less.

the real point of this, is me buying flowers for myself the other day
and i thought i would share them with you.
kinda like im bought them for you too.

so enjoy...and treat yourself every once in awhile.




Anonymous said...

lovely lovely lovely.

speaking of flowers, I have a confession. I just ordered a surprise delivery to my man the other night, since he's been sick in bed...little did I know the flowers alone were at least 20 bones, (couldn't really find anything good online cheaper than that.) then including the delivery and the tax, the total came out to be like 40-50 dollars! what kind of bittersweet nonsense...

My heart says yes, he deserves it. but then my wallet is over here cussing me out.

all the more chuuuchs and amens to you, ma'am. love yourself. it's much cheaper.

P.S. (shame on everyone who's judging me for thinking $45 is alot! It's a recession!)

Miss Fab said...

haha...well that doesnt mean dont love those around you too.

if i had one those "man" things then i wouldnt even mind doing something like that.
even if it was my last little dollar.
hey you only live once, and you cant take the money with you anyhow.