Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I have been meaning to write on this subject for the longest….

LOL has to be the most overused text phrase in the short history of text phrases. So my questioning a** wanted to know why we use LOL so much. We will even use it at times when we really aren’t laughing but just smirking a bit…Social Norms bother me sometimes, well most times.

So I told the bestest that we should make something new up…and I decided it should be SOMF…(Smile on my face). Most often that is the action that takes the place of actually laughing out loud. I told her I wasn’t going to introduce it to people, I was just gonna start using it to see people’s reaction. I only did it on one unsuspecting person, but it was such a classic moment that it was no need to continue. The bestest and I still laugh about it today.

The text conversation went a little like this:
At this point they were probably telling me how funny I am, and just a great person, and so honored to be my friend..and what not bc that’s how most conversations go with me…(Joke). But honestly I don’t remember what he said that made me decide to SOMF him. So lets just insert something in the blank that is slightly funny.

Unsuspecting Texter: ______________


Unsuspecting Texter: Some*

Me: LOL, no that means smile on my face. (I had to do it. I had to be a jacka** about it, like the phrase was commonly used)

And at that point the laughs just began…First off who corrects your text with the insertion that you are suppose to do. Anyhow he provided the greatest laugh ever.

One day im gonna bring back SOMF, i guess it would have to go somewhere for me to bring it back. but you know what i mean.


Anonymous said...


sense only makes fun?
some oaf meets fablog?
sock on my foot?
sing or mix fruit?
silly orgasmic motherfucker?
sell ounces of more food?
send on mreeuh's feedback?

Miss Fab said...

you are so great.
i bet you did that in a matter of seconds too!

lola smalls said...

Didn't we also start another one L2M (laughing to myself) or was that someone else?

Miss Fab said...

i dont remember that one..may have been someone else.

but i like L2M

nista206 said...

Guess who's back?! Yea, I've often wondered about the whole LOL b/c I know damn well that I'm not always LOL when I include it in text. So, I started using HAHA, just b/c something may be funny, & I may be laughing in my head or whatever. But, I really don't like using that b/c it's kind of wack! Hadn't been creative enough to make up anything, so I've just subscribed to SOMF! Yay!

Miss Fab said...

haha..i have started a movement yay!!
glad to see you back!

signed with a SOMF