Thursday, September 4, 2008

Let's Give Her A Handclap

Sarah Palin DELIVERED a good speech. BUT it was not the speech she needed to be giving.

For one the speech didnt have much validity to it...the attacks she made don't and won't hold up outside of that venue in which she was speaking in last night. She was speaking directly to the Republicans in that building, and if you arent a Republican I think her speech left much to be desired. She tried to attack Obama by saying he hasnt written any reforms while in the Senate. Totally not true. He has worked in ethics reforms; the same thing she has claimed to have done, but happened to not share any of those reforms she put in place. The night was suppose to be about her has VP, not about Obama. They have until November to attack Obama. I think she failed.
This is someone whose name I have never heard before last week, so I need to know who you are and what platform you stand upon. I need to know what you are gonna do for this country as the vice president, and potentially the president. Let's face it John McCain isnt the healthiest or youngest chip off the block.
For this to be one of her first moments with the public she had a very negative tone to her speech. So the whole time im watching her like where are you coming from with all of this, you have so much anger for someone who just started in the race a week ago.

So with that being said good job Sarah Palin, but good enough . Try again.

i dont want to get long winded on this, so ill just end here. <<Watch for yourself>>.

**or maybe it should be a slap.

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