Monday, October 6, 2008

let's wait awhile

in honor of janet and her lets wait awhile anthem I wanted to know….

why is that once you become an “adult” you cant wait awhile….when you were younger it was like you had permission or a substantial reason to wait awhile to take things “all the way”
but once you become an “adult”….things go to the we are all grown phase…and basically there is no reason to wait, we already know where this going…
no need for romance??

If we are “adults” then we should want to wait awhile since we already know where this will mostly likely lead.
And we all know that AIDS/HIV is rampant…why continue to have these casual sexually flings??
Part of becoming an adult is maturing and wanting a little more from life
Its about establishing things, planting seeds so that they grow and you are able to see your life become something
And it should be the same way with relationships.

When you are young and naïve you can go into relationships with the mindset that flings are acceptable,
And very likely…because we are young and we know for sure that this isn’t forever.

Am I rambling, or is this making perfect sense?

Im just at the point in my life where flings are the thing of the past…im not taking them into my future
They were fun while they lasted…but that’s just it they never last
And im looking for something that last, something that grows
That in the end makes me a better person, and hopefully I give that same thing to the other person.

And I don’t mind waiting awhile.

“I promise I’ll be worth the wait.”


Anonymous said...

I think this ideal holds more weight for a woman than man. Not saying that men are entitled to being hoes. But consider the amount of eggs we produce, vs. the amount of sperm men can make. We almost have a BIOLOGICAL inclination to be prudent. Like God just decided to whisper on the 8th day, "bitches shalt keepeth their legs closeths!

We more suseptible to STDS anyway.

But what's this about adults not waiting awhile? For REAL!? That's how "grown" folks operate? Sheesh..yall wild.

Miss Fab said...

for the most part thats how they operate...not all.

but im gonna have to say most.