Monday, September 29, 2008

Casual Things

Do we all agree that in casual conversation we should say that the gas crisis (yes, crisis) in Georgia will last a few more weeks?


Should we casually mention that Wachovia has to be bought out so that it wont enter the same fate WaMu has?


all these things have happened in the past week, they have all been in the news and mentioned...but with no urgency. well the kind i think it deserves...... i mean what does it take for americans to stand up and demand something. i mean how big does the event have to be for people to be in an uproar?
just wondering have these things really become casual...thats all.


nista206 said...

I called Wachovia's failure last week; of course, the buyout was only to hush the backlash that could've occurred had news hit like Wamu.

Gas crisis.... that's still going on??? I totally had no idea; hadn't heard any more mention in the news. Of course, the only thing that could steer the media's eye from $700B right now is Sarah Palin.

kneesee said...

well of course for the past months, we've been going through a circus with the issues of the government and the way the media is covering it. so its so unreal to me that this is all really happening to us. is this really happening?? i'm speaking for myself, but i'm in denial about a lot of things and i'm sure the rest of america is too.. Lord have mercy on us..

Miss Fab said...

yeah i agree about the denial part..but i think its purposeful on the ppl in power...they dont give us the real deal..just feed us stuff..and then ALL of a sudden we need a bail out plan..
so nobody saw this coming before it came?? really??