Wednesday, July 30, 2008

i wanna be a rapper


I have no vocal ability, no cool name, and I have the most serious case of stage fright.
But I did write a little rap verse to put on for my girls. I mean we all need a soundtrack to our fabness.

soo here goes

okay cut my music up(thats what im saying in the background).

I put on for my girls
A fashion faux pas never
They say oui oui love you
D*** right I put on for my girls
They want me to teach them
My fly-ness but it takes highness
It cost riches, you need to figure a-head
Even if you were to count ahead
You would need more than just great head
I stay around just to count the ex-es
Next-ess always seem like the bestest
Rate quoting my sexy-ness

I put on for my girls

Origin-nally made, not to be duplicated
Nor counterfeit, I rebel against outer-fits
You buy hermmes, I rather her-made
For those who need me to rephrase home-made
Time to watch me shoot those ducks
They stay quacking at my heels
Waiting for me to crack
I never will…they wanna see me lose
And I must say I never will
But you need to know there is a difference; between you and I
And it must be stated that
You are competing
And me…I have already won
Yeah..I put on for my girls

If you dont know, my sense of humor is pretty keen, maybe a little weird. and I am laughing so hard at this. Edub I know you are too. Thats the real rapper.
Okay i am done for now, because I dont want anybody trying to sign me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL!! This is tooo funny! I must hear the performance! MUST!! Loves it sha! Keep your day job...I mean keep up the good work, lol.
