Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What's the Cost of Happiness

I read this very interesting (but short) article on people's happiness around the world. Research has concluded that Denmark was the happiest in the world, and Zimbabwe is the glummest in the world when it came to the people who lived in the country. The U.S. came in a number 16(not surprised).

The data collected was topping on a 2 hour conversation I had yesterday with a co-worker about the state of America. The article states that a survey done in America showed that 81% of people here feel like the country is on the wrong track. I can definitely attest to that. So it got me wondering are people around me really unhappy..because most people I know seem to be pretty content with all that’s going on around them (i.e. the gas, the economic woes, the war, and a host of other things). If you ask me I just feel like everyone is walking around dead…So at this point I really able wondering, so let me know are you happy? Read Article

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