Thursday, July 3, 2008


I have always tried to figure out how I could obtain all three at once, or if that was even possible… I have finally figured out how all three will happen at once, BUT not with just one thing.

In the months to come you will be privy to the rise of Fame…I can’t give the sorted details now, but just stay tuned. I can say that good things come in 2’s.

As well I can’t disclose the Riches part either..but let’s just say im a genius at heart, and while most of you are sleep im up thinking about how to take over the No, really but only for good.

Lastly, the Respect will come through my writing hopefully. I also have an upcoming project that I will be working on tirelessly to improve the quality of life for women. When the time comes I will need help from the general public, but that is some time down the road. There is no doubt that I will be using this blog as an outlet, so be on the look out for that as well.

That is enough ranting about myself…go enjoy your holiday.

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