Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A State Beyond (Emerge)ncy……

I get really scared sometimes, and I am in constant thought about the things happening around me. Seems most are not even phased.

I have been accused of being too intense, too deep, and not willing to see the bright side of things. This is all wrong; I am a very happy person, but not a dumb person.

The problem is everyone else lacks a sense of urgency. Now we are in a state beyond emergency. The background music playing in my head sings the tune, “every dynasty has its day, and our number is just up.” The song is on repeat.

I wonder…

How long it will take for most people to realize that they are not free. This country sees you strictly as a consumer; a dollar sign, a demographic to sale to. We will sale you a lifestyle, we will sale you lies as long as you keep on buying. The oil industry is about to suck you dry, because they know soon they will be obsolete. We can not continue to live off oil. Right now we are solely dependent on them. How does that make you feel to know that someone needs you for your money? Not because you are intelligent, or beautiful, or just a good person. You are just one of their dollars.

America is like that child or bully that showed off all the time. Telling all the other kids how they have this and that, and how to do things the “right” way. So now all the kids have caught on, and have all the same things you do. You are no longer number one anymore. That is not the biggest deal, but it is when you still want to act as if you are number one. You can’t shine under someone else’s light.

At this point I no longer care if hip hop is dead or alive. That should almost be last on the list, if it even appears on the list. I am worried about my quality of life, and the quality of life of those that come after me. At this point we have to see beyond our self. Tomorrow may not be here, but we all know that it’s coming. Please nurture today for those who have to follow behind you, and truly at this point for your tomorrow.

Greed mixed with capitalism mixed with technology has put America in an awful position. When I say technology I don’t only mean computers, but advancement. I am torn with my analysis on technology, but it would take some in-depth explaining to understand my point on that. Technology with the yearning for more in order to gain the maximum profit, has been an awful deadly combination.

Im not gonna go down the list of how many jobs have been lost, or how many companies have flopped, or how many houses have been lost. Because you know all that, but still you do nothing. Frankly, I can understand that position. I too feel like the writing is on the wall.

Is anyone willing to evaluate their thinking, and maybe blame that on our current state? Do you feel as if you are invincible, if so that is a problem? Soon things that were of a second nature to you will be luxuries. Luxuries you can not afford. Especially those on the border line of being middle class or lower class citizens. You most definitely will be lower class.

I wonder…

If this is how you feel when you know your people’s days are numbered, and can’t do a thing about it. Don’t get me wrong I don’t live in constant fear, for I know that my purpose here was to live and die. I am not in control of how I die, nor when. I only have control of what I do in between. One thing I wont do is be silent, and watch the smoke cloud everything I love everything I know.

In the words of my great professor Dr. Livingston,” you shouldn’t be upset, you should be ANGRY.” And in the words of Dr. Maya Angelou, “It is okay to be angry, but you know what you must do with anger? You march it, you protest it, you dance, you talk it, you never stop talking it.”

I shall never stop writing it……..

*Excuse the length, it just had to be stated.


Anonymous said...

Beautifull writing..I like the fact you mention the victimization by the OPEC(Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) countries towards the world people and inflence of the world police(USA/BIG BROTHER)....keep it up..BLESS

Anonymous said...

Let's play "Spot the Contradiction," shall we?

"This is all wrong; I am a very happy person, but not a dumb person."

"We will SALE you a lifestyle, we will SALE you lies as long as you keep on buying."

...Did you find it?

Miss Fab said...

No actually i dont spot the contradication.

Im not sure what point you are trying to make.