Growing up I spent my summers in Mississippi, and my grandmother center our life around church. From sunday school, to vacation bible study, even to the point that on sunday we went to the morning service and the evening service. The church was Baptist, so for the longest that is what I considered myself without really understanding what that meant. I was also taught that you don't discuss religion. That was mainly because any time I witnessed a discuss about religion and what it meant there were so many discrepancies even within my own family. Now that I have grown up a little and allowed to think on my own I have totally strayed away from the church. I never stop believing in God, and I never will. I just dont condom many things that go on in churches. I do understand this is my personal opinion, and respect everyone's opinion on this matter.
My actual reason for this post is that I have decided to read the Bible from cover to cover. This will allow for my own interpretation. It is also a good conversation piece, and I love a good debate. When the time comes I will be posting things that stood out in my reading. Already so far this has:
pg. 2 of my bible(i know not far at all)
Genesis 3:16
Unto the woman he said, I will greatly
multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in
sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy
desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall
rule over thee
I mean thats pretty self-explanatory...such a harsh sentence as well. Oh yeah and im reading from my first Bible I ever received, its a wonder I still have it.
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